Thursday, January 1, 2009

Personal heating and cooling units

I was thinking today about how clothing could be designed to either heat or cool a person in any environment. Imagine someone with just pants, shirt, shoes and a light jacket or hat that could either refrigerate all apparel or heat all apparel. In this way people could comfortably go into literally any environment without freezing to death or having heatstroke and be able to work outside and to easily and comfortably do their jobs outside or recreate without bulky clothes or just completely overheating with almost no clothes on. This could drastically change how people lived worldwide in all climatic situations.

It would be possible especially with rechargeable battery technology to have personal refrigeration/heater units interfaced into specific light clothing designed for outdoor use. This clothing could be designed for work or play and completely revolutionize what would be possible anywhere on earth. As such technology becomes more and more lightweight and inexpensive by selling enough units it could then become financially reasonable for all or almost all people to be reasonable comfortable working or recreating in any outdoor environment.

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