Monday, March 16, 2009


I was listening to Jim Cramer on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show". This same day my wife and I were bemoaning the death (one by one) of all the major newspapers in America.

I got to thinking after talking with my wife and realized that there can never be objectivity on any cable TV program including CNBC because programming is always completely dictated by advertisers. So any network is limited to what advertisers will buy. So nothing on Television can therefore be unbiased in some way because advertisers simply will not support anything they don't like.

Since most advertisers for CNBC are Wall Street companies these advertisers have no interest at all in the truth being told. They would only be interested in what sells their stocks and portfolios whether they be companies, Gold or whatever.

Therefore, to think of CNBC other than an infomercial is to be misled and ignorant of the real facts.

Even Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart both agreed that they both were at best snake oil salesmen(a reference to snake oil salesmen of 100+ years back when people were less educated than today in regard to diet and nutrition and medical matters in general). So both Jim Cramer's show and Jon STewart's shows are actually entertainment shows. Even Jim Cramer's show is not really an investment show it is an entertainment show. Yes. Cramer is one of the best in his field but no one man can actually know enough to be able to predict the market every day, every week or every year. The best he can do is make a guess which might be better or worse than anyone else even you and I.

For the stock market for most people is pretty much the same as going to Las Vegas and Playing the slot machines, poker, Blackjack or roulette in the end. Investing in stocks is gambling on the financial health of the country. However, now it is a "gamed" system these days. Whether it is worldwide individual investors gaming the system or a new form of warfare between nations or both I don't know.

I also believe as an educated person that to look at CNBC or any network primarily funded by advertising as unbiased in any way, shape or form is to demonstrate ones ignorance about how things are actually done in the world.

The demise of most of the nation's newspapers one by one may be the most destructive thing of all happening to America right now. They are the only instruments even trying to basically report the truth that are still respected in America because they are primarily funded by newspaper buyers.

God Help Us!

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