Saturday, October 8, 2011

In the Land of Merlin and Saint Germain and King Arthur

As the five of us have traveled from London and then by car to Avebury (pronounced 'long a' av- berry)  to Glastonbury Tor and Abbey where legend has it that Joseph of Arimethea and possibly Mary Magdelene placed the Holy Grail of Jesus' last supper. To being told that the lands of Glastonbury Abbey were the actual place where King Arthur's body was buried until it was desecrated by the soldiers of King Henry VIII. And that the island then that the Tor and Abbey were on was in the middle of a lake during Arthur and Merlin's time. Avebury is the largest group of standing stones together in one place by the way. Alongside of Sheep often one can walk right up to the stones and touch them and circle them if one is moved to do so. Each and every standing stone has a different quality like a musical chord that one feels instead of hears by the way. I suppose some might hear the chord as well.

And since in the time of Queen Elizabeth I (King Henry VIII's daughter) the Renaisance came into full flower in England(the age of enlightenment) you have great souls like Francis Bacon who is depicted in an upcoming movie "Anonymous"  as the true author of the Shakespearean plays and who also is the "father of the scientific method" still used today and who also was the world authority of codes until machine coding machines were invented during world War II.

It is my experience as an intuitive that though there are ghosts throughout England and Scotland, there appear to be more per square mile in the area around Edinburgh Castle than anywhere else I've seen so far.  However, most of them now are friendly to me as I am related to them all through my mother who is a full blooded Scot born in the U.S. from two Scots both born in the U.S. but having to go home while growing up because of a family disaster (one the father died in Boston and one their house burned down in Philadelphia). So, though my mother's parents then grew up in Scotland mostly from ages 8 and 12, they then met near Glasgow, got married and returned as young adults in their 20s to the U.S. and after my grandfather graduated from the Moody Institute in Chicago he eventually moved with my mother, her two sisters and his wife to Seattle where my mother met my father.

Another interesting thing in regard to J.K. Rowling and the writing of the "Harry Potter". My family realized that the "model" for Hogworts is actually "Edinburgh Castle" which is open to the public. If you go there and see how it is situated in relation to the water you will see some similarities. So, for example if you get on an Express Train in Bristol, England like we did to Edinburgh and then get off the train with your luggage, you can then walk up some stairs down the block and into the Raddison Hotel (with a youth hostel around the block for those trying to save money) and then that hotel is within walking distance to the Edinburgh Castle up the street which is my personal favorite of the castles I have been to so far. I also really like the Tower of London in London and Westminster Abbey for shear history and amazingness with grave sites within the Abbey of queens like Queen Elizabeth I and others who are buried inside the Abbey.

Also, as you walk along up towards towards the Castle from the Raddison Hotel area you might also notice a little walkway between buildings that a little sign is there and this area is called Riddle. So if you walk a little back into the left area it is through a little tunnel like place that reminds one of maybe a little like going into Diagon Alley or the like. So, you can see all the things that J.K. Rowling needed including real ghosts to make her story work were all right here in real life inspiration here near the Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. I really like how she segways from London to the Hogwarts train (express train from Southern England to Edinburgh) and Hogwarts which I believe to be a representation of the extremely ghostly and magical place called Edinburgh and Edinburgh Castle.

My personal experience was having a difficult night at the Raddison the second night I spent here after visiting the Castle. I spent all night talking to ghosts like never before. They were not bad to me but rather I was just talking to them of my philosphy of life after studying Tibetan Buddhism with Tibetan Lamas and of Compassion for all beings in the Universe. By the next night many of the ghosts had found a way to earn their way into heaven through association with me because I always now live in both heaven and earth simultaneously because of the type of enlightenment point at which I now live.(We are all evolving spiritually). So, by generating compassion constantly for all beings in the universe you become over time a powerhouse of compassion that touches all beings. So, beings who need to transition into the heaven realms for one reason or another can often travel with someone like myself on their way to a permanent or semi-permanent time in Heaven (depending upon their agreements and covenants with both life and God). So, I am used to being surrounded by many disembodied spirits who earn their way to heaven by protecting me and those close to me because I live in both heaven and earth simultaneously. The biggest reason most beings who stay ghosts stay ghosts is that they just don't understand fully how it all works. For those of us who do understand how it works it is possible to help many or most of the ghosts on to the heaven realms who have been stuck here for one reason or another. However, the biggest reason they get stuck here is usually ignorance of what is necessary to move on and self judgement. So, just by teaching a ghost forgiveness of themselves and others is often enough to help a ghost move on into a heaven realm. For if you can help a ghost move on into any heaven realm often you can reunite them with their relatives on the other side in a heaven realm and then they are free.

Transitions seem to be how God designed my soul. So it makes sense to me that God designed me to be eventually Meridian "Eridian" that I write about who eventually 1,000,000 years into the future meets Arcane and sends him back to New Deva and Isfahel and which results Arcane coming to earth in 1987 and becoming a Planetary Anthropologist for the Galactic Time Guard.

My mother and I especially in my 20s when we both attended a seminary when I was about 29 for a few months together, would (sometimes in our spare time one day a week) drive around in my car or hers and we would often be directed to an accident as both of us were good in helping souls leaving their bodies transition well. Also, I have found I am also very good in helping souls coming into new bodies get well seated into them so they survive and stay healthy or become healthy for a long and good lifetime. So, it makes sense to me because of all my natural abilities and training from my mother and grandmother and other teachers along the way that I would eventually become Meridian through time since my gift above most others is to help souls being born and dying. So, God has made me good at helping souls in transition both into Earth and out of Earth bodies. So, this makes a lot of sense to me now at age 63. I know it is a very funny thing to talk about but after all these years I think writing of it is only helpful to everyone including me.

To read more about what happens to  Eridian(Meridian) and Arcane(Saint Germain) in the Future, present and past please click on:

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Then all the buttons to my longer writings are here. To read about Eridian and Arcane(Saint Germain) please click on memories part 1 there.

Here in England and Scotland I can't access my site the way that I could in the U.S. but it still can be done to the whole website at the button above.

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