Monday, October 15, 2012

Navigation toolbar

When I reloaded the newest version of Firefox I noticed that my navigation toolbar was gone which in this case says something like:  etc. or something like that. When you don't have that you aren't sure what the address of whatever site you are looking at is. So, if you want to see this as you are surfing the web on your desktop computer or laptop go up to the top and click on "View" and then click on "toolbars" and then make sure there is a check by "navigation toolbar" if you want to see the address. By putting the cursor on "Navigation toolbar" and clicking it the check mark should appear along with the actual navigation toolbar on your page. Also, if you can see the address on some computers you can type just a company name or other relevant information there and it will find your site for you. (But remember not all computers will do this).

Also, if I am quoting from a site and I can't find a word button representing the site to copy to give as a quote reference for my readers I can just go up to the  top and click "edit" then I can color the whole address blue (or gray or red) depending upon your computer and then click "copy" and then put the cursor in the window and place I need it to be and then click "Paste" to paste the address from the navigation toolbar into whatever I am writing as a quote reference for my readers.

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