Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney Argues for more intervention in Syria, Iran Egypt?

Though on the surface Romney asking for more intervention in Syria, Iran and Egypt seems logical and innocent enough, anyone who actually has taken the time to study what is actually going on there and what has actually taken place the last 10 or 20 years all over earth might wonder what Romney is thinking?

If this were still 1980 or even 1990 or even 2000 what Romney is saying might make sense. But, today it only shows how completely out of touch Romney is in regard to foreign policy decisions.

Not only can the U.S. and Europe not stop the carnage in Syria because of the (2nd cold war) stance of Russia and China, but Iran is looking like it is going to go belly up financially because of sanctions in short order too. This will either make Iran more like North Korea and more isolated than ever from the rest of the world or it will force them to create a nuclear weapon or weapons that they will then threaten the whole middle east with, which will force Turkey and Saudi Arabia to have their own nuclear  weapons programs too as well and possibly even Egypt. This will completely upset any semblance of balance or order in the middle east  and can create a potential nightmare for the whole world regarding the price of oil.

So, when Romney argues for more intervention the rest of the world looks at him and says, "What an idiot! He has no idea about what has changed in the world including how much things have changed for the United States since 2001.  So, right now anyone who knows anything about the middle east, Russia, China, Israel, or Egypt is wondering what planet Romney is on or thinks he is on? And they also might think just how much putting Romney in office might make the whole thing blow up "Boom" before he figures it out! And then there would be NO planet for any of us to live on!

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