Thursday, April 24, 2014

regarding fighter and bomber confrontations

Most jet fighters are configured to withstand almost any kind of sonic boom up close from another fighter jet. However, this may or may not be true of Russian Bombers being used now.
For example, Nato pilots are being told to assess the hostility level of Russian Bombers by the way they are flying their planes (whether or not they are playing chicken with the fighters or not).
For example, supersonic flight is a weapon unto itself which was used by both sides during the Cold War a lot. You didn't want to be exposed outside anywhere to a full sonic boom when a fighter jet of any nationality went over head at about 100 to 300 feet at 2000 to 3000 miles per hour because basically if any jet fighter did that over Los Angeles for example across about 100 miles of cities in Los Angeles and Orange counties literally every window would be broken several miles wide and every ear drum of every person would be broken who was outside and some people might have nosebleeds from the concussion but most people would survive this even if their hearing didn't. Just so you know what the Cold WAr was all about regarding fighter planes on both sides. So, this happened to many many people on both sides for example when the U.S. wanted to blow up the boilers on Russian Trawlers following to close to U.S. Aircraft Carriers or Destroyers etc. So, this is a level of hostility when windows start to break and eardrums are gone and blood is coming out of people's ears and noses. But, is it an act of war  that draws retribution? Not in the Cold War necessarily. This was an every day occurrence somewhere on earth then.

Millions of people died in proxy wars from the end of World War II and 1990 or 1991 when it all ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. So, maybe Putin is restarting the Soviet Union through all this? However, if he is, capitalism and democracy were not allowed in the Soviet Union at all. Nobody was really allowed to own anything much. It was all supposed to be owned by the government, including people.

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