| | 419 N Howard St Glendale, CA 91206 | | I'm thinking that Genesis Foods for Life is an outgrowth of the store my parents and I shopped at on 419 Howard st. Glendale, Ca 91206 from around 1956 to 1969 when I moved to Venice California at age 21 for a job as the head electrician wiring a large apartment complex there own by either a fire captain or just a long term fireman there at that time. He gave me a free apartment within 100 feet of Venice Beach to pay me along with enough money to make my Camaro payments and to buy food and utilities. Very interesting fellow. | | I was from Glendale which meant I was very straight and techically proficient at building things like I was taught by my father from 1960 summers until 1965 when I was 17. | My dad met Greer Garson, Abbott of Abbott and Costello | Sandra Dee and Annette Funicelo while being an electrical contractor from 1960 to 1965. He then realized he was having to borrow money to pay his taxes in his Electrical Contracting business for 5 years straight. Realized this was stupid and counterproductive and went back to working as a Journeyman Electrician. | Also, 419 N.Howard st. was the actual location of the Foods for Life we shopped at when I was growing up then from 1956 to 1969. | I studied Computer programming and Business data processing and worked part time on the computers of The Glendale Board of education. I then got a job with Foremost McKesson automating their drug store ware house using a punch card system I was proficient with. at this point I bought a brand new 1968 Camaro because I was making really good money at age 20. It was metallic blue (breathtakingly beautiful) and suddenly I was very popular among girls in general which I found in some ways sort of disturbing at this point because I had been trained as a minister of the I am Sanctuary at 1320 S. Hope St. I also played the $10,000 Baldwin organ there even the pedals for many church services and my fiancee went to Oakland College near Detroit so we didn't see each other much except during the summers. IN 1969 my life fell apart and in relation to my childhood religion I fell from grace. I had a long long way to fall. However, in the long run this was one of the best things that ever happened to me. The next similar religion I joined in 1975 I was told, "We can't have people on STaff of this church who think they have a direct connection to God"
I thought this was the best compliment I had ever been given in my life.
Wonderful. I realized then that I wasn't goint to formally join any more religions. Instead I was a solitary yogi and Cave yogi and Householder yogi raising my children in the best most spiritual way possible. However, I would steer them far away from any religion after being burned as bad as I was that I become despondent and suicidal from what they did to my life for 5 years.
Churches kill but God Saves us all. |
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