Thursday, August 27, 2015

Rich people think about the future, not the past

A self-made millionaire who studied 1,200 wealthy people found one thought pattern they all tend to avoid

I think this is true. Most rich people are what I would call futurists in that they are always trying to think of what they can do in the future to maximize their lives and the lives of everyone around them. Most rich people are very benevolent except for Nouveau riche (the new Rich) who still think like when they were poor. And often thinking like you were when you were poor returns you to being poor within 5 to 10 years time. So, if you get rich you have to change the way you thought away from how you thought when you were poor.

But, multigenerational rich are often trained by their parents and grandparents to think like futurists so they can benefit from whatever changes take place on earth in the future. 

To be nostalgic and to think about how great things used to be prevents a person from making progress for themselves and their families now. It isn't that one should never do this because if we don't look back sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again. However, if we don't look forward most of the time we will never have anything in our lives worth living for. And then, the only thing we might do is to think back about how great things were once (even if they weren't that great in reality when we lived through them).

So, if you want to help your kids to have a great life help them think about the future, because only then will they have a future worth living.




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