Tuesday, January 24, 2017

America 1st?

It has now been 71 years since the end of World War II when the U.S. took on voluntarily the world of global policeman. As evidence the Korean War, the Viet Nam War the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and more were all the U.S. acting as global policeman. The U.S. also has gotten involved in catching or killing terrorists worldwide.

But, to some degree, this is all going to change with Donald Trump at the helm.

So, who is going to take our place as world policeman?

Likely no one,  Or people vigilante style are just going to have to find ways to defend themselves wherever they are on earth with whatever they can find now. So, I expect because of this change in U.S. leadership for millions to die more than before from starvation and war and rape and pillage etc.

Without us there policing the world it will be a markedly less peaceful world than before.

One of the reasons the U.S. did this of course was U.S. based companies could to better financially if the U.S. protected their businesses overseas which often we did. Then secondarily we did this to maintain fragile but useful governments not only to the U.S but also to people there in country as well worldwide.

So, there likely will be much more animosity towards the U.S. because we are just basically saying, "We are just bailing out folks, you can all just sink or swim now all on your own."

Which isn't going to win friends and influence people in positive ways as their relatives then die in often horrific ways from Global Warming, wars, pestilence and plagues worldwide or droughts or flooding or you name it.

So, Good Luck world! The U.S. cannot afford to help you anymore. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our Wealth isn't trickling down to the masses anymore like it once did. Wages aren't rising fast enough to help U.S. citizens. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Who will take our place? Likely no one nation. However, as nations can afford to or have an interest for one reason or another people and nations will step in when moved to step in when they are wealthy enough to do this.

Otherwise, we are just going to see millions more than before starving or dying in wars or from progressively worse global Warming.

But, the other side of it is that if the U.S. doesn't take care of itself now it won't ever be able to take care of anyone else anyway. So, this is needed but you also are going to have to watch the millions of deaths worldwide caused directly by this new policy.

But, here's the real kicker!

I realized Trump doing this will economically help America, make everything we buy much more expensive (because we won't be buying from China or Viet Nam)and people might have more jobs but they won't pay much beyond Minimum wage.

This is the actual future likely that we are going to see given all present variables in place.

However, you know how things actually are. OFten things turn out much different than anyone ever would expect.

And Likely Trump's reign as president likely won't be an exception to this

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