Monday, January 30, 2017

Biologically Engineered Sinus Infection?

This has been one of those crazy years only with sinus infections here in the U.S. and I hear throughout the world. Most years are simply not like this. 
  I talked to my wife's cousin who works  in a building with about 80 electrical engineers and he says this building of people has just been giving this awful thing back and forth to each other since November now.
Not only that you feel sort of like you are out of body and hallucinating a lot of the time (with or without anti-biotics). 

However, my thought is that this sinus infection could have been biologically engineered in the U.S., Russia, China or almost anywhere on earth to slow people down so they couldn't function properly and so some would die who couldn't adapt to it. So, the "Brain Dead" experience of this sinus infection seems to be almost universal among people who are at times having a hard time even remembering their own names or the names of their children or forgetting 3 things out of 4 in their minds while sick or recovering.

So, if you can avoid it never get this sinus infection because it seems to just go on forever, and then if you do get over it you likely are going to get it again.

So, be careful because once one person in your family has this, eventually all people in your family are going to have it it is that contagious and never ending and reinfecting of a virus.

That's why I'm thinking someone engineered it and either released it or it just got loose while people were experimenting on it somehow at some facility somewhere.

It appears to usually start with a sore throat. So, often if you get this sore throat you might be out of commission for 1 to 3 weeks time depending upon your age and immune system.

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