Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Our present system of government may NOT be able to defend itself from Trump's attacks upon it

In other words, "We may now be witnessing the death of the Rule of Law in the United States under Trump".

Our system of government wasn't designed to protect itself from a president as corrupt or as self serving as Trump is.

As we watch Trump find ways to use the system against itself, we may be watching the end of our democracy and the beginning of a Trump dictatorship like Erdogan did when destroying the Turkish democracy the last couple of years now.

It is obvious now that Trump is unraveling one by one ALL the checks and balances against a Mafia Lord like him from attaining absolute power.

So, it is not just Americans who should be afraid but also every country on earth. Because Trump (the Madman) has the nuclear power at his finger tips to destroy the whole world at least 12 times over with nuclear weapons.

Since I believe Trump has an early form of Alzheimers now, it is likely he's going to nuke the world out of existence at some point in the near or far future the way this is presently going.

More than ever I'm coming to believe Trump is a reincarnation of King George III of England whose madness helped cause the U.S. to begin as a democracy in the first place.

However, just expect the completely unexpected in regard to all of this.

Because at this point literally ANYTHING could happen good or bad or neutral.

The world is in an EXTREME time of change. This is something we need to prepare for as citizens of Earth.

However, also remember that Retroactive Time travel is also in effect regarding this planet.

Absolutely NOTHING is what it appears to be at this point in human history.

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