Friday, December 21, 2018

Francis Bacon of England: The Father of the Scientific Method

What is interesting to me is that Francis Bacon was the Father of the Scientific Method AND the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I of England AND he wrote ALL the Shakespearean Plays (BECAUSE) he would have been thrown in jail as royalty at that time because it wouldn't have been acceptable as royalty to have written these plays without going to jail or even being beheaded at the time. I often wonder how many people actually knew besides Shakespeare that Francis Bacon actually wrote all these plays and put codes (I'm told 7 codes) within the original manuscripts one of the first codes actually deciphered within the original manuscripts of the shakespearean plays tells about how Francis Bacon actually wrote the plays and how he was the illegitimate son of Elizabeth I. It also speaks of many other esoteric things because Bacon was nothing if he wasn't a genius at the level of an Einstein. He also wrote definitive book on codes which wasn't surpassed until World War II by the way. And to think he wrote this book on codes around 1600 or a little after is completely mind boggling too. So, imagine the genius of Francis Bacon to have fathered the Scientific method which breaks everything down into hypotheses, theories and laws that you can study in any subject, who wrote the Shakespearean plays and who was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I of England and who was able to do all these things around the 1600s?

So, we had an Einstein or Stephen Hawking in 1600 too.

On top of this many people believe he never died and became Saint Germain (the man who never died) and who also knew Nicolas Flamel (with the philosopher's stone) by the late 1700s in France and England.

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