Thursday, July 30, 2020

Here's the problem you have in France transported to the U.S.

First you have parents that might be Fox News Watchers or Trump Supporters. Then you have their children who are likely college age. Then you have their natural tendencies. Then you have a coronavirus Outbreak. Repeat this 1000 times around the country about every week or so. This is how the virus spreads initially. Then it goes into places where people cannot fully protect themselves from the virus and a lot of black and Hispanic and Native Americans die.

If you think about this on a weekly basis all over the country this is how the virus initially spreads.

So, it starts with irresponsible Trump voters (or people who could care less about what's going on) and ends up killing 5 blacks for every one white person and 4 Native Americans and Hispanics for every White person. This is what America is experiencing now every single day. Like I said before if you divide the deaths by 5 or 4 you see how many white people are dying. Or if you divide them by 5 and multiply by 4 you see how many black people are dying. Or if you divide by 4 and multiply by 3 you see how many native Americans and Hispanics are dying.

Just remember you are dealing with a ratio where the white are 1 and the others are either 4 or 5.

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