Saturday, January 1, 2022

(GMOs) will now be labeled as “bioengineered,” or come with a phone number or QR code guiding consumers to more information online.

Foods that previously were labeled as containing “genetically engineered” (GE) ingredients or “genetically modified organisms” (GMOs) will now be labeled as “bioengineered,” or come with a phone number or QR code guiding consumers to more information online.

The changes are part of the USDA’s new rules on controversial modified crops and ingredients. Previous labeling requirements were governed differently on a state-by-state basis. By providing a uniform, national standard for labeling bioengineered foods, “it avoids a patchwork of state labeling regulations,” a USDA spokeswoman said in a statement. 

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Before this each state did or did not notify consumers what they were actually buying.

Unfortunately, most people will have no idea what they are buying still unless they are well educated. The problem with GMO foods is that it can make especially children or people with immune disorders sick.A neighbor of ours had a reaction and had to only eat Brown Rice for a couple of years so she didn't die. Luckily, this girl had an oncology nurse who was her mother or else she would have died.

Problems like this cause people to die even before they are diagnosed usually. So, GMO is an ongoing problem for many people who after eating GMO might die within a month without their ailment properly diagnosed before they die.

So, not eating any GMO foods will tend to lengthen your lives wherever you live on earth.

To me, GMO foods are simply eliminating whole groups of people from the gene pool slowly or quickly. This is how I presently view GMO foods. So, eating GMO foods is sort of like playing Russian Roulette with a pistol to your head.

And the problem is that 70% of all processed foods in Supermarkets contain some or all GMO foods without being listed as an ingredient on the package.

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