Saturday, April 27, 2024

Longevity Stabilizes Cultures


It takes a lot of living to get past all the extreme feelings one has when they are young worldwide. So, as one gets older and (Hopefully) wiser one has a lot of useful wisdom to share with those younger who might listen to what you have to say.

I look at my own life and I barely survived my 20s, especially ages 21 to 25 before I got married and had my first child. and even after that you are scrambling all the time trying to make ends meet and to make sure your children and spouse are okay all the time.

In my own life my life didn't settle down enough where I had the time to write a lot of things that would be helpful to people who chose to read what I write until I was 50 or older and had almost died myself.

I think it's having enough time not freaked out by everything to where you can apply your wisdom so that you can potentially be helpful to mankind in many different ways.

Often Think Tanks also help prevent World War III worldwide too. And people sharing their realizations about life like I do that help keep people in a useful stance in relation to their lives.

It's true you have to survive the crises of your life before you can settle down enough to write about what you have survived already and be helpful to the rest of mankind in this way.

However, generally speaking longevity in mankind helps us not go extinct more than anything else I can think of at present.

However, it's true that enough people have to remain fertile enough to help create the next generations too. And it's also true that overpopulation could eventually kill us all (or at least severely reduce the amount of people living on earth this century through global Climate changes). 

I don't presently see war being the biggest factor in all of this. I see Global Climate changes and overpopulation being the driving forces of this century.

Mass Migrations away from equatorial areas of the world have already begun where tens of people become hundreds of people who become thousands and millions of people migrating so they don't die where they live from overpopulation and Global Climate changes.

If you understand Lifeboat theory it also applies to nations. Many 3rd world nations have no "Lifeboats". In the case I'm referring to "lifeboats" just means to have enough wealth to recover from major weather events.

For example, I was just in Maui and Lahaina likely looks mostly like it did when it burned down last summer still. I saw only two structures total that were almost completed a few days ago while there of which one was a low cost housing apartment complex built by Amazon Founder  Jeff Bezos and another structure over a fence from Long's Drugstore in the mall that survived the fire in Northern Lahaina which is also next to Old Lahaina Luau which also survived the fire.

However, after almost a year now I would say that 95% of Lahaina still looks like it burned down yesterday.

Part of the problem is this is an island in the middle of the ocean which makes rebuilding with wood from the mainland very expensive because everything has to be shipped from places like Oregon or Alaska to build places on Maui in Lahaina. This is very expensive. So, only the wealthiest of people or people who had good fire insurance that didn't go bankrupt during this fire can rebuild effectively.

Now compare this to 3rd world nations who have various disasters who have no Lifeboat (like Jeff Bezos) to rebuild a place where people can actually live!

In most 3rd world nations people really have no choice after a weather event but to move somewhere else and likely even in Lahaina people are scattered literally all over the islands and world from that fire too.

What I'm saying in this article is that those who can live longer often have resources to help others and to become a lifeboat for those whose luck runs out in worldwide weather disasters now of all kinds.

And even if those who live a long time don't have financial resources they still have a lot of wisdom and might be able to help people survive by just helping them maintain a survival attitude and come up with ways they might survive where they are or somewhere else.

Longevity Stabilizes cultures worldwide.

By God's Grace

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