Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jellyfish blooms a worry for fish eaters worldwide

Since people have over fished most oceans of the world it has created an ideal sea world for jellyfish worldwide and likely will help prevent fish from restocking since jellyfish and fish compete for much of the same food. Jellyfish eat plankton and small fish through their stinging tentacles. By doing this they strangle out other species by killing their babies in many areas. Since man has thrown off the oceans balance through overfishing it is causing havoc worldwide. jellyfish are not being eaten by the adult fish because the adult fish have been fished out and eaten by humans. So jellyfish are replacing the missing fish and preventing the fish from restocking by eating their babies as well as the plankton many small baby fish live on. It is a very serious situation for people who fish or eat fish worldwide. The above site listed is for eating certain species of jellyfish to decrease their numbers.

If you type in "jellyfish swarms" in Google images you can on some pictures get articles on this subject from around the world. It appears to be quite serious especially around Japan and in the Mediterranean ocean and off some parts of Africa from overfishing.

Also, I found one article at yahoo news and another at Discover news online. The discovery news article is called "Jellyfish blooms signal ecosystems out of whack"
The internet address was so incredibly long I didn't try to copy it here. I've never seen a longer one.

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