Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tibetan Lamas

I feel an obligation to all of you interested in Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Lamas to share some of my experiences with Lamas who lived in Tibet and left with the Dalai Lama, in I believe 1959 while being strafed by planes and shot at along the way while escaping with their lives to India.

I met several of these Lamas that were trained in Tibet and left with the Dalai Lama or after. They were all between the ages of 50 to mid 70s in age during the 1980s. They also were very powerful in a way I hadn't seen before in my life from their training.

I was thinking of one Nyingma Lama that I met in Berkeley, California across the street from the UC Berkeley university campus. He was happy to give me and my family some very advanced initiations. My American Teacher knew him and introduced me to him. He gave my family and about 150 other people Dorje Drollo (Grolod) and Hayagriva (Horse headed diety). Dorje Drollo is associated with Padmasambhava in Rewalsar, Himchal Pradesh, India(several hours by bus from Dharmsala and near Mendi). IN this initiation Padmasambhava is manifesting the wisdom beyond logic. Since all teachers I studied with said I was also like this naturally it was a perfect fit for me as an initiation.

For my wife he initiated us with Hayagriva, who is a protector associated a lot with Mongolia and the horse culture of the wide open spaces there.

At the time and now it made me think of Genghis Khan and how he was helped by a Tibetan Buddhist Lama and how he spared them for helping him bring his wife to him when Genghis Khan was being held in prison in the Tangut realm. Though he exterminated the Tanguts from the face of the earth he preserved Tibetan Buddhism because of their help to him in his life.

In this life my wife loved horses and often owned one or more on her ranch. Though I am remarried now this is still true.

The Powerful Lama that gave us these initiations I will never forget because he was a Nyingma(lightning or instant enlightenment)Lama. One always felt time and space altering around such a very powerful old school Lama. I remember being in a phone booth(before cell phones were common in the early 1980s) and having a conversation with him. I felt like the phone booth were going to take off or something like in Dr. Who. I was a little frightened by this at the time but I had heard enough stories from other American students to know one could expect almost any supernatural event while in the process of initiation, empowerment or association or talking with these High Lamas.

After all, Our purpose was to end the suffering of all life on Earth and in the Universe as quickly as possible. My experience with some High Tibetan Lamas demonstrated to me fully that they were fully capable of making this happen. So I wanted to be a part of efficiently helping to permanently end the suffering of all beings. And then the next part is the permanent attainment of enlightenment for all beings. I had no doubt this was or is possible. This is still my experience.

This Lama was like a Lightning bolt into my life. I felt the initiations changing everything in my life and moving me towards enlightenment as quickly as possible so even my aura too would move beings forward in amazing amazing ways.

Lineage is what makes this all possible. Christianity has this too. I just don't think they make as much of it as Tibetan Buddhists. Lineage is the capacity of a student in the presence of a Master to take on through his or her aura, all the empowerments and attainments of not only his or her master but of all the masters in the lineage of teachers back thousands of years.

So, since I live in a Christian nation, if you met someone whose paramguru was Jesus and that auric lineage was unbroken for over 2000 years since Jesus it is theoretically possible for you to take into your aura all the attainments of Jesus and then pass them on to your students along with the attainments of all the masters in the lineage of the past thousands of years. This is how it works.

However, it is important to understand that the two things needed are to one: be in the presence of a Master with lineage and two: to have the correct motivation of what to do to help all life on earth and beyond and then the last factor is to pass on to others the lineage by being the fulness while being in the presence of the students. Then once again your students need to have the proper motivation and then be in the fulness of all the lineages attainments and empowerments while being in the presence of their students.

To many of you this is all theoretical. Well. I'm here to tell you it is all actual
real time experience if you have the right awareness and motivation and the right teacher it is probably the most amazing thing you will ever experience both coming and going through this process. It is like taking in through osmosis all the most amazing knowledge of life and enlightenment and blessings and power that you could ever imagine and if you are responsible with it and don't die from misusing it, then you will pass it on to your students and they to theirs and they to theirs and so on.

So, need I say that if you want to be initiated by the remaining old Guard of Tibet get to it. Remember, the Dalai Lama is one of the younger ones of this group.

When I met my friend, Geshe Gyatso at Bodhgaya in December 1985 I did not know what the Kalachakra Initiation was. However, my family and I received it at the recommendation of our friend, the Geshe. We received it along with 500,000 other people in Bodhgaya then in December 1985. There were 10,000 of us westerners from Europe, North and South America, Australia and Japan there too. It seems to have a lot to do with Shamballa which connects to the Shangri-La movie first made in the 1930s and then one or two remakes since then. However, the concept of Shangri-La is a westernized popularized concept of it. If you get a chance ask a Tibetan, preferably an older one what Shamballa is.

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