Thursday, November 19, 2009


For me, purpose is about increasing the numbers of enlightened humans and other beings on earth and making sure at least some humans survive what is coming. Just like in the movie 2012, we need at least 100,000 to 400,000 humans to survive everything that is coming to repopulate Earth. Otherwise, humans will go extinct(at least on Earth) during the next 5000 years.

In the past(before 1900) People primarily died from old age, wearing out, battle etc.

However, now people are dying from all sorts of causes from synthetic chemicals giving them cancer, psychological aberrations that did not exist before, all manner of strange ways of thinking, all sorts of new physical and mental illnesses etc. etc. etc.

Though people may look at the human race and think that we are healthy, this is just the calm before the storm. If one looks more closely one can see that literally every mechanism regarding humans and life on earth is completely out of balance. When mass deaths occur the populations of earth could be reduced (whenever that is) within 20 to 50 years by 80%. If Earthquakes, Tsunamis, etc occur this could happen in an afternoon worldwide rather than 50 years.

So, who will survive? The people who survive will sense the changes coming and move to safer areas. What will those safe areas be? It will be unknown until those that are aware of it start moving. Just like in the Movie 2012 many older people will simply choose to pass on as they feel it is their time. Others will know they have to save their children and the future and find ways forward just like John Cusack and his family in the movie: 2012.

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