Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

You know it has to be the movie.

If you saw  "The Hangover" this is a similar genre of movies. If you liked "The Hangover" you might like this one too. If you were in your 20s or 18 to 30 in the 1980s then you especially might like this movie because the mid 1980s is where they travel to. For me, as an intuitive since I do some of my best intuitive stuff while outside in my own Hot Tub on the Northern California Coast I could especially relate to this movie. In fact, as it was ending I was having a serious Deja Vu. Now, Deja Vus may be something you experience every day but for me they are rare and usually mean a lot of changes in my life.

     In reality as opposed to fiction there are three basic ways to change time. The first way is mental and emotional. (However, you cannot bring people back from the dead with this method). In this method it is only about changing your personal perception of time and space and of what has happened, what is happening and of what is going to happen in your life. This method is incredibly freeing psychologically.

    The second method is through traveling physically with your body or through soul traveling out beyond your body or both simaltaneously. (I don't recommend both simaltaneously for most people, especially novices)

     The third method is either by being an adept or master to the point where you have convinced every cell of your body(at least while you are doing this) that you are capable of moving your body to any other point in time or space.

     Part B of this is if you have Time Travel technology either sanctioned or unsanctioned. However, the moment you turn it on you will be visited and either the time travel technology will be disabled or you will be allowed to continue depending upon what you are trying to do.

     Even though this likely is all true I have to say in order to protect you and me that this is all fiction.

Anyway, enjoy watching "Hot Tub Time Machine" and traveling back through time in this movie to the 1980s.

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