Saturday, April 10, 2010

Poop Support

My wife and I joke about our Corgi dog(actually my 14 year old daughter's dog). Often in the middle of the night or when shuffling to the bathroom before fully awake our corgi will follow us into the bathroom to "protect us" while we are on the john. If I'm fully awake and don't want a female dog trying to stand between my legs while on the john I just close the door. But I was talking to a buddy of mine yesterday and he was saying how having pets increases people's lifespans. I think it is because pets(whether they are dogs or cats or whatever) need care and it forces people to get out of their petty little places and take care of their pets and interact with their pets. In the case of dogs, for example they need to be walked so they can do their business and smell everything and feel like that are nomadic dogs just like their ancestors. By honoring your dog or other pet by walking them you get exercise yourself and this gets your body moving even when you might not want ot come out of feeling sorry for yourself or just pain depressed for no particular reason. And when you get exercise and see just how happy your dog or other pet is you become happier and feel better about yourself and you get exercise and breathe some fresh air(hopefully fresh where you are) and your day (or night) goes much better because of this interaction with your pet and the out of doors.

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