Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nothing so bad that no good may come from it

Though the Gulf of Mexico disaster in some ways reminds us of 9-11 in the damage it is doing to the economy and the shock that this could happen for everyone studying it all over earth. And then to add to that all the deaths of sea creatures and birds etc. as well as all the losses of livelihood so far from the coastal regions of 4 states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida) and eventually Texas and Mexico as the ocean currents change suddenly in Hurricanes and storms. However, in spite of this it is likely that a lot of good will also be accomplished in the long run in how everyone on earth perceives oil that comes from under the ocean. Though we may lose BP as an oil company so no one will be compensated for their losses this should have been expected by BP as well as other oil companies that made this many mistakes trying to do things just too cheaply and in such a haphazard way that caused so many to die  already. So BP's mistakes might just cost them BP itself. 

However, in the larger scheme of things it may be the best thing that happened to the rest of us. It makes us realize that undersea drilling for oil can be more hazardous than going to the moon both for companies, nations, fishermen and women, and people who depend upon tourism in coastal areas.  If we learn from our mistakes we will be better for it. If we don't learn from mistakes like these then maybe the human race won't be around  many centuries more. It's our choice, every one of us.

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