Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glen Beck is a Mormon

begin quote:
Beck noted that, in contrast to the liberation-theology views he ascribed to Obama, he's a Mormon. It was one of Beck's rare public mentions of his faith. end quote.

Glenn Beck regrets calling Obama a ‘racist’

In the above article Beck speaks of "his big mouth" and his regrets at calling Obama a racist. Also, in the article Beck talks about being a Mormon. I wonder what other Mormons think of Beck?


In some ways I listened to a lot of Glen's ways of thinking among Christian Scientists and all it's spinoffs and from Mormons while growing up. However, he is the most outspoken in asking all the questions in a "never ending" fashion. On one level asking the questions that Beck asks are important. But the problem with this is when you "Shotgun" questions one after another like he does it only takes one to discontinuity and confusion. One has to take some time and research each question rather than extrapolating endlessly about things he isn't completely sure of because of a lack of thorough research into the subject, including researching all sides and opinions to any given idea or situation. When you assume too much you only make an ass out of u  and me.

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