Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jonathan September 10th 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jonathan September 10th 2011

Note: I decided to add two word buttons so you could read more about who Jonathan is in relation to King Interlaken and His Oneness, Elohar and Ragna, Arcane and all the rest. Memories 1thru 11 at the dragonofcompassion site give you all the descriptions in the course of the online free book. Jonathan Flow below gives you much of what I have written about Jonathan Flow in the last 30 years or so.

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dragonofcompassion - Jonathan Flow


Jonathan and his friends and relatives (7 of them this time) went out on the waters of Lake Tahoe on Jet Skis across the water. King Interlaken from the 7000s AD range had let him know that he had brought his latest time ship and placed it under the waters of Lake Tahoe undetected to present day technology. Jonathan had wondered how this was done. And this time he was given a partial though more satisfying explanation this time. The way it was explained to Jonathan went something like this.  First King Interlaken Flies the Queen Mary sized Timeship to Lake Tahoe in the 7000 AD range. He then slowly submerges it into the Lake to do slow water displacement. Then while the ship pitches forward to present day time, the present day water placed in an alternate time and replaced quick enough 1/1000 of a second or less before the present day water collapses in to fill the void. In this way something the size of the Queen Mary(the ship in Long Beach Harbor on display) (the timeship  is used especially for diplomatic missions from 10,000 AD until 10,000 BC (when King Interlaken has Time authority over Earth (even though the overall Time Lord of Earth from about 50,000 years BC to (whenever) Millions of years into the future is His Oneness of ancient Lemuria(Baja California, California and parts of Oregon Alaska and Nevada 50,000 years BC predating even Atlantis.

As Jonathan and his wife took off on one jetski Jonathan realized they were kind of topheavy and hoped they wouldn't be put in a situation where they would have to jump off. For the first 10 to 20 minutes this wasn't a problem as they skipped across the top of the water across Lake Tahoe. Lightning was striking in the background and they knew water would start to pour out of the sky soon. But then it happened, just the right combination of side wake from another boat as they were slowing down threw the jetski over so Jonathan reflexively through the handlebars up as he entered the water so the jetski wouldn't go upside down and become unstartable. His wife joined him having been sailing on her father's Concordia in San Francisco since she was a little girl. So she knew about boats and what one had to do in almost all situations. However, Jonathan being 63 was not 20,30,40,or even 50. And the water was cold and took his breath away after he surfaced after jumping off with his wife. The lightning crashed in the background and the rain fell harder as another jetski with younger more agile people helped them aboard their jetski again. Jonathan put the safety clip in place and sure enough the engine started up again. But now they were wet and the sky was cloudy and he had had enough jetskiing for today (thank you very much). Because at 63 he knew when to leave well enough alone. His wife also cold now from both the dunking and the rain also wanted to return to the beach.

Earlier that day information to be relayed upon earth and through various other forms worldwide and galaxy wide during this time era was relayed thereby from the past, present and future through Jonathan and thousands of others who were summoned to Lake Tahoe to be present for this event. During this type of relay often information will start coming through these people in various ways for the next 5 or more years. The best way I can explain what all this information does is to create balance in the world both in its relation to present day realities worldwide but also to create balance in regard to Earth's past, present and future. This is the best way that I can explain it.

Most humans of present day 2011 still see time as being linear and inching forward. However, Galactics see time and space as spherical and completely interrelated in every way. So, the perception of what life is, what it is for, what you do with it, is very different than the average person on earth. The best way I could put it is "What any being does in any time affects both directly and indirectly every other being in every other time and space. So, without beings being concerned about balance like this No timeline could exist past animals and cavemen and cavewomen. So, unless we are all integrated together in all timelines we all fall and either go extinct or return to being cavemen and cave women once again.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about maybe this will help from:

dragonofcompassion - Elohar

However, it is more easily reached by this word button:

My Pet Goat 


If you read "My Pet Goat" above you will begin to understand how projecting calm at that time allowed the second time line to be successfully created. This one act changed time and created the "Second Time Line".


King Interlaken

I found this really great news that the new timeline you and I are on can now survive potentially thousands of years into the future with no more nuclear holocausts potentially.

Removed from Time

As we met Elohar on Board King Interlaken's huge Time Ship there were thousands of present day governmental dignitaries there. I was first amazed that we all were there and said to Elohar: "What are we doing here? Where are our bodies? Are we in two places at the same time?" because I felt a responsibility for all 7 of us that I at least had some explanation of what was happening to us all.

Elohar smiled and said, "Your physical body will not remember any of this until about 11 pm September 11th. In the meantime you are all invited to witness and to participate in the celebrations regarding the 10 anniversary of the New Timeline."

It all became very clear to me what was actually happening. I didn't have to introduce my older daughter to Elohar as they had met when my daughter was 10 years old in 1999 when I traveled to Europe and met with her under the Alps in the present day as well as being sent forward in time with my daughter to meet King Interlaken and his son, Prince Orion and the rest of his family.

Being 63 I felt a little in shock as I had just had to fall off my jetski with my wife (we were taken while about 5 to 7 feet underwater). So, I wasn't exactly regrouping right at that point. So, I found my daughter and her boyfriend had taken my lead. I found this somehow comforting as I held my wife's hand who had also just fallen off the jet ski with me. I smiled as I thought of the 6 1/2 billion lives not lost on the new time line that you and I now live on. Looking at my 22 year old daughter and her boyfriend I saw the future for us here on earth in the way they easily related to Elohar. I saw myself as  63 year old man, still remarkable but starting to pass the torch on to others younger and capable. I felt good about that too but also felt it was sort of a jolt and an adjustment. Elohar still looked about 35 even though I know she likely was really about 500 at this point from what she had said. She mentioned that she had been regenerated recently and this showed by her radiant smile and a complete lack of wrinkles whereas I was growing older in a more traditional way still. I felt amazed to be able to share this not only with my wife but also my older and younger daughter, my older daughter's boyfriend and my younger daughter and her two friends.  

 My daughter said, "Elohar. So good to see you again. It's been awhile."

Elohar with a twinkle in her eye said, "Not as long as you think."

My daughter though still smiling was taken aback by this but somehow just like her father took it all in stride.

My daughter said, "I would like to to meet my boyfriend, Steve."

Elohar, "So nice to meet you Steve. It's good you were able to join us."

Steve said, "It's a real privilege to meet you.  She told me about you and this world but I couldn't fully believe in it, but now I'm here I will have to find a way, eventually. Will I remember all this?"

Elohar said, "In time you will. But the memories will have to integrate slowly at first like they are dreams or something like that. Eventually, you will fully realize it was all real and not just a dream or a vision."

Elohar, if this is the first you have ever read of her is a Seer, a Psychologist, and an Intuitive functioning at an extremely high level and has been trained through multiple lifetimes to reach her present level of awareness. She began soul traveling consciously as a child and reached physical bi location (moving of one's body to other places and times) by age 15. So Elohar would be considered to be fully remarkable or even terrifying to some in any century even though she is a completely compassionate person and very dedicated like if you combined a psychologist with a medical doctor, with a  minister of a church who was also a governmental advisor to the world government of Earth of her world era.

If you want to read more about her growing up, training and life in the 71st century and beyond click on:

dragonofcompassion - Elohar

I, as Jonathan then spoke up, "Elohar. We've made it ten years! How wonderful!" Jonathan and Elohar embraced as son and mother and friends through the ages.

Elohar said, "When I was about 17 and I came and saw you in 2010 on the second time line we had no idea in our time that a second time line existed. But then my heart took me back to you in your 2nd timeline and I knew it existed. Even King Interlaken didn't know it existed then. But when I came to 2010 I knew I had to tell people when I lived about it in our government and I knew I must be instrumental somehow in creating it. Though this scared me it also showed me my life's work to come and put me in the Royal Court and family of King Interlaken, the de facto King of my world era and time line."

All 7 of us from the second time line of 2011 then on September 10th were kind of mesmerized by listening to someone not only from the future but from a different time line than our own.

 My wife said, "I've heard Jonathan speak often about all this but I sort of thought it was just creative license for him as an author, so I feel very privileged  to be here now to witness the truth of it firsthand. Will I remember this?"

Elohar said, "Do you want to remember it?"

My Wife said, "I would like to say yes but I don't know what it would do to my present world view or psychology."

Elohar said, "Then first you will remember it as a dream. And then you can either choose to realize it was all true or not as you wish."

My wife said, "What would be best for me?"

Elohar said, "I can't answer that. Only you can. Only you can know how much truth you can stand."

Note: I decided to add two word buttons so you could read more about who Jonathan is in relation to King Interlaken and His Oneness, Elohar and Ragna, Arcane and all the rest. Memories 1thru 11 at the dragonofcompassion site give you all the descriptions in the course of the online free book. Jonathan Flow below gives you much of what I have written about Jonathan Flow in the last 30 years or so.

dragonofcompassion - Home

dragonofcompassion - Jonathan Flow



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