Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Intuitive Experience

Every Intuitive will have a different experience in life depending upon whether they are religious, spiritual, shamanistic, or humanistic depending upon their life experiences in this and potentially other lifetimes.

I thought I would today share something of what it is like for me at age 63 having been an intuitive all my life. Did I choose to be an intuitive in this lifetime. I think it more useful to say that Life or God chose me and that if I did not choose to help all life with my gifts I would have died already. I'm still alive and like many intuitives might never die because of how I continue to help all life I'm allowed to anywhere int the universe and in any time or space 24 hours a day. So, if I never die (I finally understand this to be one possibility that many of my teachers especially in my 20s told me about). At the time my statement was, "Well. I'll believe it when I see it." However, now 40 years later I see it as a definite possibility for a variety of reasons. So though I'm still, "Well. I'll believe it when I see it" I'm also "Oh. There is this way and this way and this way and this way. Yes. There is a potential for hundreds to thousands of us here on earth to be  technically immortal by 2050 and millions of us to be technically immortal physically by 2070 and potentially everyone left alive on earth who actually wants to be physically immortal by 2100.

Many thing that this will create many problems. I think that if enough people have a good education through college worldwide that 90% of what people worry about won't happen and everyone that wishes to become immortal by 2100 won't be a bad thing at all for most people who can handle it here on earth. But remember, the hardest part of a person's life to stay alive is birth through about age 30. People will still have to make it to 30 and even then people could die in accidents. So, any physical immortality will be potential rather than actual until it actually happens that long for one or more people in the next several thousand years.

The other thing about being an intuitive for me is that time and space is less important or relative than it once was. What is important to me is to always be in what I call an intuitive flow whenever possible. I find that when I do this that my aura lights people's auras up wherever I go and creates quantum changes in all directions since even though my body is in this particular time and space my consciousness may be in literally any times or spaces all the time. So this tends to create quantum changes in all around me. I see myself as a World Saver in training but my teachers tell me constantly that I have no real idea what I really am either in actuality or in potentiality. So maybe what they are saying is that I am sort of a Wunderkind child in an adult body possibly. I'm not allowed to know specifically what will happen in general for the human race the next 100 years. This is to prevent multiple calamities from happening. If you think about it much you know exactly what I'm talking about. I am, however, allowed to know much of the dangers that might affect myself, my family, or my friends minutes, hours, days, and sometimes weeks or years ahead of time. For example, I told my stepson that he had to watch out not to die on his motorcycle when he was 29. When he was 29 he hit a raccoon and his motorcycle slid out from under him at about 45 and he slid to a stop on one of his kneecaps. He spent a month or two in the hospital because of this but now is a Fire Captain and is about 40. Another time I told my ex-wife not to drive that day because if she did  she and anyone else in the car would die. I also prepared not to drive that day. She didn't listen to me and so I prayed as hard as I could before she left with my then 12 years old stepdaughter. As they left I felt I had prevented their deaths through my prayers. I was right they still had a head on collision but it didn't kill anyone it only collapsed the steering wheel and broke some of my wife's ribs and gave my stepdaughter a minor concussion but at least her head didn't go through the front window of the car, so her head stayed on her head at least. Another thing that happened that was the most difficult intuition psychologically for me to deal with was death "The Grim Reaper coming to me in September 1989". He lifted two boney fingers up to me and I knew it meant two lives. So, since I woke up and cross referenced with my then wife we decided to take the family to Hawaii for the week the EArthquake would hit. So we were in Maui and watched the Loma Prieta EArthquake in 1989 on CNN TV from our room. We also met many other people there that also felt the earthquake coming who left the mainland when we left too.

I'm sharing all this so if you are an intuitive sometimes it is very difficult to know what to do with your intuitions. I sometimes think now that going to Hawaii was an overreaction but on another level we may have saved two of our children's lives because the epicenter was only 6 miles from where we were staying then. So, learning to be right is one thing. Learning what to do with your rightness takes years to be useful to yourself and others. So, if you save lives you have to have permission from God and angels or whatever works for  you. So, any lives you save have to be sanctioned savings of lives or else it will get weird. So, I always ask God and angels before I save a life if it is a life that is allowed to be saved or if it is the ultimate time for that being to pass on. Good luck as an intuitive.

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