Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Grief Could Join List of Disorders

New York Times - 19 hours ago
In a bitter skirmish over the definition of depression, a new report contends that a proposed change to the diagnosis would characterize grieving as a ...
Can You Be Diagnosed With Grief?Everyday Health
Will Depression Include Normal Grieving Too? (blog)
Grieving May Soon Be Classified As Form Of DepressionThe Inquisitr
all 183 news articles »  end quote from Google.

Obviously, the drug companies are behind this potential change. They just want to sell more anti-depressants because they already have 10% of the population taking them already. 

To make something perfectly normal and to turn it into something abnormal to make money of out it is just wrong. In the end it will only make people who listen to this abnormal and inhuman. So, turning grief into another way for drug companies to just make money at the expense of the human race and humanness is just wrong.

Let people have their real feelings so that they can have real thoughts and feelings and not just fake ones. Do we really want to live in a Disneyland movie always and never have any real reality or real consequences? What you wind up if you really do this is not adults. You wind up with children of every age just pretending. That's all.

Without real adults who can have their own feelings and thoughts and not someone Else's feelings and thoughts the human race likely will be driven to extinction by this kind of  aberrant thinking.


Besides, most psychologists agree that talk therapy works better than drugs for Grief. Grief is a natural process of letting go of the departed so we can go on with our lives. It isn't easy for anyone but if someone passes on learning to deal with grief is necessary for everyone so that they can be balanced in their life ongoing.


My wife asked me to join her in speaking to a Grief Counselor psychologist in 1999 when her mother died. However, as time went on we found that seeing the Counselor also fine tuned our marriage. So, we kept going about once a month just to keep our marriage working well on all levels. Sometimes, if there is an issue in the family other family  members join us if some of us want them to also. I have found it very effective if one issue or another that is very difficult to deal with for a family comes up to have someone to talk to that is less emotionally involved and therefore more rational about issues. It doesn't solve all problems but under the right circumstances it can be effective. A psychologist is like any tool, you have to learn how to use the tool for it to be effective both individually and collectively for the benefit of everyone. Just make sure your psychologist can relate to or shares your basic belief systems about life and family, otherwise it won't work.

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