Monday, June 30, 2014

9 billion people by 2050?

  1. The 9 billion-people question | The Economist
    The Economist
    Feb 24, 2011 - The 9 billion-people question. The world's population will grow from almost 7 billion now to over 9 billion in 2050. John Parker asks if there will ...
  2. UN: Earth's population to hit 9 billion by 2050, 10 ... -
    May 4, 2011 - An analysis predicts the world will grow to 8 billion people in 2023, 9 billion by 2041 and then 10 billion at some point after 2081, according to ...
  3. Farmers and futurists ponder how to feed 9 billion people ...
    Michigan State University
    Jun 13, 2013 - Farmers and futurists ponder how to feed 9 billion people inhabiting Earth by 2050. With an estimated 9.3 billion people expected to populate ...
    I personally don't think this is actually going to happen for a variety of reasons. 
    Here are the reasons: Global Climate Changes, Wars caused by food and water shortages from Global Climate changes, wars that are  caused by reduction in oil production which increases the price of oil beyond where 50% of the people can afford to eat which is where we are at right now.
    Though AID groups might try to feed all these people they are going to be stopped like they are in Syria and the ISIL governed areas. 
    More and more in place of AID groups being allowed I think you are going to see genocide practiced here on earth especially by extremist Sunni and Shia groups in the middle east and Africa. But, forms of this likely will exist all over earth with or without religions now because population is so very out of control most places.
    I think coming to grips with overpopulation causing genocide is what western nations must learn more about where overpopulation is less of a problem (HERE IN THE WEST) because of education and peace are going to have to learn about. The western world is not the rest of the world and unless things are enough in balance horrific things are bound to take place in most of the world the way things presently are. 
    When we grow up in the western world we have no idea or experience of just how bad things are in the rest of the world. The same rules don't apply universally over all the earth and won't until birth control is universal all over the earth. Without birth control there can only be complete chaos over most of the world from now on. Overpopulation now wherever it is will make a horror of the world from now on, especially in regard to genocide.

    So, finding ways to reduce overpopulation through birth control is the only way I see at present to keep the whole earth eventually from becoming a complete horror movie in reality.

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