Friday, April 1, 2016


I found myself having an extreme reaction to how much has changed since I grew up. You might ask me, "Isn't life better now?"

I guess my answer would be something like: "My present life is much more affluent than my parents life was."

But, is everyone's life better now than it was when I grew up?


So, on the one hand I'm grateful for a really great life but every time I see someone my age still living on the streets with PTSD since Viet Nam it is hard for me even though they are dying like flies now and only a few are still alive who have been on the street that long since the 1970s now.

I still feel quite loyal to the generation I grew up with. I guess most people do. Because we all shared the world as it was then in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s on up until now.

For me, everything after 1973 has been the future partly because I became a father for the first time in 1974 and my whole world changed because I was married and a father for the first time.

What surprised me was that being a father and being married (mostly being father) was 10 to 100 times better than the life I had lived from age 21 to 26 when my son was born. So, I was really grateful because I really had a life and a reason to work and to sacrifice for. It's amazing how different life is when you REALLY have a life and a reason to stay alive for other people than yourself.

This worked for me.

By God's Grace

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