Sunday, July 31, 2016

We are now witnessing the Decay and reorganization of Civilization on earth

It reminds me a lot of 1929 from the Stock market Crash until around 1950 worldwide. This was a time when millions of people died from war and starvation and some in really awful ways. We seem to be in another time like this now worldwide.

I fear for the human race and for civilization itself during these times.

The problem becomes people blaming leaders for their problems rather than studying the cause of the problems and solving these problems themselves.

So, in this way the uneducated basically commit suicide by the millions through ignorance of the actual cause of their problems.

Here are the actual causes that most people refuse to look at:

Global Climate change preventing enough food to be grown.
When temperatures average above 90 degrees fahrenheit it interferes with photosynthesis and plant growth. So, less food is grown for people to eat. This then causes food to be more expensive. This then is a problem because people's jobs are not paying them enough in regard to inflation. And this causes less jobs as less people have food to eat. So this is a vicious cycle in itself.

The other problem is overpopulation caused by western medicine working too well. So, this will tend to cause pandemics more and more during this century. Other than wars in the Middle East I don't see wars in Europe or the United States unless Trump becomes president and then I fully expect a world war and possibly the end of life on earth because of it.

This is not to say that Trump is not sincere, it is just to stay he has no empathy and is not self aware.

So, the real problem is not Hillary or Trump or even Putin. The real problem is global climate change, and overpopulation which is causing revolutions in governments all over the world.

This will tend to increase the terrorism and violence all over the world including the United States until Governments begin to topple one by one. We are already seeing this in Syria, Turkey, IRaq, Yemen and in various other countries. Even in Europe we are seeing Brexit and the unraveling of the EU because of the refugee crisis in Syria and the surrounding area mostly caused by Iran and Russia's direct influence.

So, the chaos shows no signs at all of abating for the next 10 to 15 or 20 years and possibly not even then.

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