Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rapes in Nursing homes: problems in 1000 plus nursing homes or more

6 women, 3 homes and the man accused of rape


If you put a loved one in a nursing home you kind of have to expect this late at night when no one is watching your mother, grandmother or Great Aunt. This happens nationwide and worldwide and some people take these jobs just so they can rape older patients. So, this is something to think about too.

 However, people like this are always a minority just like the people who work in mortuaries to rape male or female dead people.

But, to not think they are around in nursing homes or mortuaries is to be very very naive and uninformed. 

It's like not knowing how men and women are raped ongoing in prisons everywhere around the world.

So, if you don't want to be raped in an institution of any kind just don't go there.

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