Sunday, May 31, 2020

Being is Everywhere and Everywhen

This is what the last 50 years of soul traveling has taught me. I remember at about 22 I went into the center of the galaxy (Because I could) and met the leader of the Galaxy who I call "The Galactic Sentience" because that seemed like a more appropriate word than calling him the present "God of the Galaxy sort of like Zeus". He told me some species consider him to be God but he doesn't see himself as God. I think Calling him the "Galactic Sentience" Zeus or Odin would be more appropriate than calling him God therefore.

Also, God would have to be the God of all Galaxies and Unknown matter in the entire universe and the only beings I know of that could fit that description might be: Vajrasattva and Nyema in the Buddhist pantheon because of how they are described as the most evolved Yab Yum male and female in the physical universe waiting to go into the formless realms until all sentient beings become enlightened and free of suffering.

At another point in my soul travel explorations around age 25  I went out past the edge of the galaxy and this terrified me like nothing else before or since in my life. It scared me so bad to be out past the edge of the galaxy that it was like being dropped from a helicopter on a night with no moon into the ocean out of sight of land anywhere naked. It was a truly terrifying experience for me and I didn't soul travel consciously for several years after this experience until I started hanging out with Tibetan Lamas who knew how to deal with the VOID out past galaxies edges. I met my first Tibetan Lama in 1980 when I was 32.

But, after about 50 years of knowing how to soul travel I mostly just prefer to be everywhere and every when at once.

This is my meditation of being in all time and space with God which gives me great peace. And if one passed away being with God everywhere and every when one would be okay because of this.

By God's Grace


in going out past the edge of the galaxy I discovered unexpectedly that a Galaxy is alive like an organism. And we each as humans are like red or white corpuscles in this body of the galaxy or something like that. So, when we move past the edge of the galaxy it is terrifying because we might not know we are a part of a larger organism (which is the Galaxy).

However, some cave yogis do this to throw off parts of their experience they don't want anymore. But, that likely wouldn't be me (at least in this lifetime).

By God's Grace

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