Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Soul Incarnating as a human being on earth. We do we do this?

I asked God to show himself to me in my late teens and he did. I asked what the purpose of life is? And God said to me: "The purpose of life is to love and bless life". Then he went on to say,

"When humans kill each other it is like cutting off the fingers of God."

When I came back to normal consciousness again here on earth I was shaking from God talking to me in person.

I shook off and on for a week after that which showed me the true statement of :"No man may see God and Live!"

But, after having psychologically died from talking to God my life had much more meaning than before. Before, my life had been vague with too many unknowns. After having God talk to me in person I changed a lot.

I realized I could and would never kill someone even in battle but I also knew that the need to kill someone would not be there either after meeting God in person in this lifetime.

I think we come here to be with our friends and relatives to learn things together and to travel together and to love each other and have fun together. I think it's sort of like a camping trip we do to learn new things sort of like an advanced college course in whatever we might be studying.

Often I find people get confused here on earth about one thing or another so it's important not to loose sight of why you chose to come here to earth in the first place.

Why did you come here?

Understanding this, you can live your life in peaceful serenity. Otherwise life can become such a struggle and meaningless existence it's sort of like: "Why Go On at all?"

Because of this, understanding why you are here and what you are trying to do is very important to discover before you are gone from here for one reason or another.

By God's Grace 

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