Thursday, March 25, 2021

We all live in a Conditioned reality

The best way I can put this is that if you speak any human language you have been conditioned. And all conditioning requires a type of group hypnosis. So, all cultural conditioning is a from of group hypnosis that we all buy into in order to physically survive our lives. Otherwise we don't live a "normal" life here on earth.

So, the question to ask ourselves is: "Did my conditioning into speaking any human language or languages on earth serve me well?"

Though the answer might be either "YES" or "No!" usually the answer has to be both yes and no at the same time. Why?

Because though learning to speak a language allowed you to survive your conditioning: (in other words because you learned to speak you got fed which then allowed the people who raised you to condition your responses further) if you hadn't gone in this direction towards speaking a language there is the distinct possibility you might not be alive right now.

From one point of view you might say: "This line of questioning is ridiculous because without this sort of conditioning likely none of us would survive physically until age 5 or 6 years old in all or most countries worldwide."

And this likely is a true statement as well.

So, what is the point of going down this road?

The point of going down this road is to establish the fact that we all live in a conditioned reality and this reality tends to separate us from all the other creatures here on earth for the most part.

Because what other bird or animal goes through the constant conditioning of a human child?

That's right! No other creature on earth goes through the intensity of conditioning that a human child and young adult goes through anywhere on earth.

And so what I'm saying here is that this is why humans and animals here on earth are so different from each other because of human conditioning to see things in specific ways rather than what they might naturally be to most creatures on earth. 

What led me to this line of thinking the most?

While I was doing 2 levels of peer counseling in the early 2000s I was asked by one of our trainers to imagine or remember something we experienced as babies before we had any conditioning.

Now though this seems like an impossible question to answer (because who remembers before they were conditioned?)

Well. I realized soon it was possible. Because I remembered clearly one day what I thought and felt before any real conditioning. I saw my mother's breast which to me then was almost as big as a small room and I remember thinking like a little animal which went something like this: "I will do anything to get the breast milk from this thing and this woman because without it I will not have life. So, I will smile or whatever it takes to get this breast milk to feed me because without it I might die."

And so at that point I realized where all my conditioning as a human being began at that moment. And something like this happens to all of us or we wouldn't be alive and functioning and speaking a language and able to read or write until or unless this all happened when we were all babies. Because if we all hadn't done this we wouldn't have survived to the next stages of our lives. Very simple.

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