Sunday, July 23, 2023

I wrote "From Castles to Cannons" in the aftermath of September 11th 2001


A Poem- From Castles to Cannons

Times have changed
Hopis say swim in the middle of the river
Don't hang onto the banks
Go with the flow
We are all swept away in the new tide
Fighting the changes only brings pain and hurt
Go with the changes
Build a new life from the ashes of the old

A new world paradigm builds
Just as it did in the early 1900's
Everything has changed
And so have we<

I find myself trying to cling onto a past now dead
A past I felt secure in
Nothing feels secure like it once did

I remember how feelings of security crashed during the Cuban Missile Crisis
And when the Kennedys and King died
But it was different than this
And those days are gone
I remember then how insecure we all felt in the 60's
None of us expected to live to be 30
Many young people now may feel the same way
But I say to you truly
You will not die

You will just have to find a way to cope with all the changes
Just as we all did in the 60's
Just as people have had to find ways of coping and going on
Throughout all past times
Things are just different now
They are not over
Just different

end quote. 

I find this poem timeless in many ways for all of us. The times they keep on changing and the rules are changing too. For example, how many of you believed the right to have an abortion for a woman could be taken away so far in 1/2 of the states in the U.S.

It feels a lot like another Civil war in some ways except it isn't violent (Yet?)

But, the other outcome could be that States will secede from the Union who are for this position or against this position depending upon the political era this happens in. 

I don't think people in California are going to change their positions any time soon, for example, and I think the people in New York won't change their positions any time soon either. So, it's going to be interesting to watch what happens next in the U.S.

When I wrote about from Castles to Cannons the point was that Castles were safe until Cannons were invented then they were no longer safe.

Likewise when planes were invented and common people started riding on planes like passengers on a bus they didn't think that those passenger planes full of people would be flown into buildings by terrorists or anyone else either against their wills.

So, from castles to cannons signifies the end of a world order and something new happening instead.

Since 2016 we have seen our democracy almost completely destroyed and it's Constitution treated like Shit. It's hard to know where we go from here.  What will the future Bring?



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