Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Slowing Earth's rotation also could have to do with the way we generate electricity here on earth

It likely has to do with how major electric companies generate electricity in the first place. So, it doesn't matter whether it is Natural Gas or Coal or even Hydroelectric plants. What they all have in common is that electricity is generated by breaking the fields of magnets with a copper coil spinning around the magnets usually or I suppose you could also spin the magnets around the copper coils instead.

The problem with this I believe after doing a lot of research is that for example, I once asked the Head of the Physics department at UC Berkeley where electricity came from and of course he said, "From power generating stations".

However, that really was not my question. What I was asking is "Where does the electricity really come from?"

Because it doesn't just come out of thin air.

It comes from the magnetic or possibly even gravitic fields which have to do with both earth and the sun and other planets too.

So, if the rotation is slowing down that also could be the magnetic fields we have burned up generating electricity. 

So, I'm thinking that electricity is a finite quantity for any planet or Sun and since we are draining it, it makes complete sense that it would cause things like Global Warming in the first place or to slow the rotation of the earth also.

However, I think solar generation with solar cells likely would be the safest conversion of energy available for mankind. So, as Solar Cells get better and better over time I think solar cells would be the way to go.

So, even wind generators have the same problem as coal or natural Gas or hydropower  because it is the way that they generate electricity which is degrading our weather and for now the speed of our planet as it rotates.

It's possible that what happened to Venus could happen here on earth because they might have done that too there millions of years ago. 

Not sure about this but it could be possible too.

However, I'm pretty sure about where electricity comes from and it is directly from our magnetic fields and possibly gravitic fields on earth and this might also drain magnetic fields between Earth and the sun and be draining our magnetosphere as well around the earth which protects us from Cosmic Rays.

So, it's possible that skin cancer partly comes from draining our magnetosphere which creates more skin cancer on earth too.

However, governments don't want you to know this so this information is suppressed so infinite power can be generated (even though it is possibly causing over time the extinction of life on earth slowly but surely.

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