Sunday, June 30, 2024

Manifesting in the way I was taught in the Saint Germain Foundation I found sort of Scary because it changed everything in my life

 I'm not saying what I was taught was bad, quite the contrary. I'm actually making a completely different statement which is that when you Co-Create with God it is extremely powerful and it changes literally everything in your life each time you manifest in this way.

For example, after I asked God to come into my body at age 15 I could basically have anything I wanted including Girlfriends which I wanted to be with and cars and motorcycles and places to go and people to meet and all of this. I could see other people in the Saint Germain Foundation looked at me and were very jealous. But, I was sort of a "Golden Boy" because my parents were famous ministers within this religion and known all over the world and ran the "I AM" Sanctuary on Hope STreet in Los Angeles from 1954 when I was 6 years old until I was 12 which would be 1960. So, within our religion I had a very privileged position. People gave me things like a Grand Piano I learned to play and a Concert Violin which I also learned to play and played it in the All City Orchestra at Hoover High School in 1960 for a concert. I was also given a parakeet by one of the older members too which was a really wonderful pet as a friend growing up.

However, what I'm speaking about here is something very different which means more that when you co-create with God on this level of reality God either manifests if he agrees with you and what you want or something else might happen instead. So, being in agreement with God is very important when doing this or I suppose it could get very very scary.

However, this was NEVER a problem for me after age 15 BECAUSE when I asked God to join me in my body and live inside of me he DID THIS!

So, Co-Creating with God at this level was really easy then because I knew what God wanted simply because I was always living with God inside my body 24 hours a day to begin with. So, I didn't have to worry about difficulties because God would ALWAYS tell me what I needed to know about any given situation that came up in my life that I needed information on.

What I found scary was that as I manifested things through prayer like Girlfriends, Cars, places to visit, trips all over the state and beyond in a car I had manifested by working for my father I started to become overwhelmed with all the constant changes in my life.

Finally, by the time I was 25 years old the year before my son was born I decided it was just too extreme manifesting because it changed my life too much every time I did this. It was sort of like becoming a new person any time I manifested something direct from God because he lived in inside of me.

So, strategically, I found that ONLY manifesting things I wanted from God in Emergencies was best.


Because in real emergencies everything in your life is likely to change anyhow. So, you might as well let God give you what you need so you can survive whatever it is to serve God better.

So, after about age 25 I did that instead and I found I could more easily survive what I was creating through God through my prayers. It wasn't that I might have wanted many more experiences and things in my life as well as traveling all over the world more it was that I started to get confused by too many changes and realized if I ever was to have peace I had to slow down a little and then the next year my son was born and I got married and my life changed completely by the time I was 26 to something completely different and better than before.

So, this worked for me and allowed me to raise my son and be happy raising my son ever after.

By God's Grace

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