Saturday, June 29, 2024

Most read articles of the last week as of Friday June 28th 2024


reprint of: Drones very small to large


most read articles from KYIV Post


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


Rapidan Dam in Minnesota is in 'imminent failure condition,' officials warn


Austin, Texas from IT's Colorado River



A summer wave of Covid-19 has arrived in the US


Julian Assange agrees to plea deal with Biden administration that would allow him to avoid imprisonment in US


Louisiana parents sue over placing Ten Commandments in schools


Dangerous heat is shifting this week. Here’s where it will go next


I wanted to see if I could successfully drag and drop from Facebook and I was successful this time with one of my son's AI Drawings


Most read articles as of Monday June 24th 2024


Women may soon be included in military draft. See lawmakers' mixed reactions


Thank God I'm getting better!


4 Though surreaslistic I find this AI very spiritually satisfying


Indigenous tribes welcome rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone ceremony


As Russia and North Korea grow closer, China keeps its distance


Russian state media parodies the presidential debate


Gunmen kill police, priest in attacks on places of worship in Russia


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