Friday, June 28, 2024

Thank God I'm getting better!

When I drove away from my hotel room in Mt. Shasta I was worried I might have to check into a hospital at home. However, I REALLY didn't want to spend any time in the Mt. Shasta Hospital after the butchering they did to me with a laproscopic Burst appendix operation. At the time they told me if I didn't have the operation I might die. HOwever, I have been maimed ever since this because they ALL forgot to tell me one thing which is: "IF you cough for a month after a laproscopic procedure like this you likely are going to get a Naval Area Hernia. Then after that happened I went to a Hernia specialist and he told me: "Basically we need to put a screen 1 foot by 1 foot in length and width into your stomach area. Oh. And by the way there is a 20% or greater chance if we do this that you will be in debilitating excruciating pain the rest of your life."

Basically I looked at them and said "NO" That's not what I want to do.

However, a few years ago now. (the original operation was in 2015 around Easter so I resurrected from the operation on Easter morning after believing I was going to die while being put under by the anesthesiologists. So, when I woke up I thought: "Wow! this is great because my kids and wife don't have to have a funeral for me!"

However, now I limp sort of like Donald Duck in Disney Cartoons and I finally found a doctor who does robotic surgery which is the best in the western United States and my Heart Specialist told me you cannot be put under anesthesia for Anything anymore or else you might not recover and have mental functions again.

So, I have the people at the hospital at Mt. Shasta to thank for all this foolishness and suffering for the rest of my natural life I guess.

Because now people don't usually do operations even for burst appendixes and just give their patients anti-biotics instead. It would have been nice to know about this sort of thing when my appendix burst. Because this put me through a year of intense Medical PTSD simply because most people are not tough enough to have survived all the things I went through that year.

So, I walk into the hospital there with friends and tell them first my appendix burst. They tell me I have gastritis which was bullshit! and I knew it. They gave me morphine which I was scared of but I was likely in more pain in my abdomen than I had ever experienced before in my life and I couldn't really walk or drive my truck so I had friends come drive my truck to the hospital then in 2015. So, they sent me home a few hours after they gave me morphine and I had no idea what was wrong with me still. But, I knew then they had failed me completely. One week later my wife came up after I almost died during that week from the burst appendix and she insisted that I go to this hospital again. Big mistake! Now I will likely have to limp around because of this stupid mistake of going to that hospital the rest of my life.

You might say to me: "At least you are alive!" Well my answer to this is basically "What Life!"

I cannot ride my motorcycle because I cannot pick it up anymore without ripping my hernia more even with a hernia belt. I cannot ski right anymore because I cannot make good left turns because of my hernia. I could go on and on and on.

So, now you can just call me "Limpalong Fred" which doesn't work for me very well because I'm 6 foot 5 inches tall and used to be very gallant and dashing and handsome all my life. So, the quality of life is reduced considerably.

However, what I'm left with is that God wanted me to stay alive and knew I would kill myself on my motorcycle or skiing in my 70s or beyond and he needed me to stay alive and not take so many risks.

I think I have the real answer to this question here now.

Am I angry at God for this?

What's the point?

I signed up for serving God when I was 15 years old and I have been serving God ever since.

It's sort of like serving in the military forever. That's kind of like what it is in some ways.

So, even though all the above is completely true you might still find me serving God 1000 or even 2000 years from now in the same body I'm wearing now (but with new medical advances and bells and whistles).

The Lord moves in mysterious ways!

By God's Grace

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