Friday, July 26, 2024

Safe in San Diego County

 This was one of the worst traffic experiences of my life from Woodland Hills across to Riverside and Temecula on down into San Diego County. Also, it was very hot up to 103 degrees some places while driving in bumper to bumper traffic most of the way. Instead of the 3 to 4 hours driving time I expected it turned out to be 6 hours or more of driving and we got there completely exhausted.

It reminds me of one time on a Friday visiting my son while he was going to college near Palm Springs it took  me literally 12 hours driving time to get from San Francisco to Palm Springs and this was a worse experience than today.

However, my worst experience of all time in a traffic jam was when I was about 12 years old without an air conditioner in my father's truck. Coming back from Los Angeles International Airport took us 4 hours in 110 to 115 degrees with no air conditioner. This permanently turned me against Los Angeles Traffic and I knew I never would live in Los Angeles when I got above 21 years old. I pretty much except for working as a programmer operator at a hospital in Glendale kept this vow to myself not to live in Los Angeles because of the Traffic and smog ever again. However, I still love the area I just cannot stand the traffic anymore.

The best part of today for me is that I found our 2022 car will automatically drive itself all the way down to a standing top on a freeway without my doing anything. Then when people start to get going I just hit one switch up and it starts from a standing stop up to 70 or more (mostly less today) most all the way it was safe to do this.

I really wished I was younger today because this was a lot for being a 76 years old in this heat and trying to tandem in two cars with my wife from Santa Barbara to San Diego county.

Thank God we made it here in one piece today!

We made too really bad mistakes today. First, we chose to drive ANYWHERE on a Friday which is something I try to never do. And 2nd my wife said she wasn't ready to go by 10 like we planned so we didn't get away until about 11:30 AM which is why this was so awful. However, I wasn't prepared to have a big argument with my wife, especially before a long drive like this one. But, next time maybe we will leave at midnight and drive to 3 am to 6 am  or something because this was REALLY AWFUL!

How one week turned social media’s election narratives upside down

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How one week turned social media’s election narratives upside down


Why fewer people are choosing to have kids (It's just too expensive these days)

 People are still having children by accident but fewer and fewer people are having children on purpose unless they are very rich and can afford those children. In 3rd world countries where there are no social welfare programs the only way you survive as an older adult is to have children and grandchildren to take care of you. So, still where there is no social welfare net people will continue to have children around the world because it is simply a matter of surviving to old age and having people to work in your businesses.

In my own life my father had me work in his Electrical Contracting business starting at 10 or 12 years of age on weekends and summers. It's true he paid me well for this but I likely saved him at least 2 to 3 times the money that he paid me too. So, putting your kids to work even if you pay them well is one of the reasons people have children all over the world still. However, for me, it gave me another trade and helped me learn not only how to electrically wire a house or business but also it taught me how to build houses as well before I was 17 years old.

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Hopefully, the Park fire won't burn up Red Bluff and Redding

 I think it mostly depends upon the winds now and getting some more containment. If the winds keep up or change direction it could be very serious for both Red Bluff and Redding Starting with Anderson which is on the southern edge of the Redding area. So, hopefully the winds die down so firefighters can get a handle on this thing. When winds are blowing too fast you cannot put fire fighters in front of those winds unless you want them to die. This is the problem with winds like this. You cannot be downwind from a fire like this and live often.

50 displaced, hundreds evacuated after fire in downtown San Diego during Comic-Con

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Downtown San Diego

50 displaced, hundreds evacuated after fire in downtown San Diego during Comic-Con

Aaron Garrison

Heavy smoke was seen across the downtown San Diego area after a building caught fire Friday night.

Fire crews responded to the large blaze that broke out at a Brazilian steakhouse in the 900 block of Fourth Avenue near Horton Plaza at around 7:30 p.m.

Some roads were closed due to the structure fire, including Broadway between Third Avenue and Sixth Avenue, and Fourth Avenue between B Street and F Street, according to San Diego police. Roads were expected to reopen in 2-3 hours.

Tens of thousands of people were downtown on Friday, many of whom were attending Comic-Con — San Diego's comic book and pop culture extravaganza. The large plume of smoke, which could be seen from about 10 miles away, caught the attention of locals and visitors in the area, and police say dozens gathered on both sides of the incident.

Traffic from Comic-Con made it challenging for crews to respond quickly, the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department said.

The blaze started in the kitchen on the building's first story. It then traveled up all four stories, and flames spread to the roof and the AC units on the top floor, according to the fire department.

"The sprinklers went off on the fourth floor, and luckily that saved the fourth floor," said Chris Babler, a battalion chief with SDFD.

SDFD said they were able to get everyone out of the building and stopped the spread of the fire in under an hour.

The three stories above the kitchen are made up of residential and Airbnb units, Babler said. In total, about 50 people were displaced, and Red Cross members were assisting those residents and guests.

"Right now with zero vacancy in a lot of the local hotels downtown, we are going to be searching for vacancy at a local hotel, and Red Cross is going to assist us with that," Babler said.

The fire department also evacuated a nearby building that was being used for a Comic-Con event for 1,200 people. A press release from Warner Bros. Discovery shows that the event taking place at the time was "The Iceberg Lounge" Experience. People were allowed back into the building at around 9 p.m., according to SDFD.

No injuries were reported, but SDFD said the building has significant damage and that the restaurant will be out of service.

Crews were expected to remain at the scene overnight to work on overhaul.

The cause of the blaze is still under investigation.

This is a developing story that will be updated as more information arrives.


California’s Park Fire blasts past 200,000 acres (since wednesday) as evacuations expand into third county


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Park fire map

General info
Affected area
From satellite sourcesUpdated 34 mins ago
Affected area map
Impacted areas are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. Check official sources for more information.
2 days agoSituation Summary. The Park Fire continued to burn aggressively due to steep terrain and winds. New evacuation orders and warnings were ...

Massive California wildfire the size of San Diego is 0% contained: The Park Fire near Chico

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FBI confirms a bullet hit Trump at rally

This makes sense because the bullet went through the plastic display before it hit Trump but the speculation was that pieces of plastic went through his ear and then the bullet killed the fireman when it hit his head. I'm not sure they actually cleared this up because it might be more muddled now than before. Also, having the head of the Secret Service resign didn't help any with the clarity either. So, expecting ANY truth at all with her resignation is an impossible request of everyone too. It's sort of like all the complete lies around the Assassination of John F Kennedy. There is still no one who really believes the bullshit they fed us from that crazy mess either. So, will the truth ever be known about this? 

Probably not.

I don't believe we will ever be told the truth about the JFK assassination and I don't believe we ever will be told the truth about the attempted Assassination of Trump either. Since the head of the Secret service has now resigned there is no real way to get at the truth anymore.

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