Friday, June 28, 2024

A different kind of True story

This female cousin of mine lives somewhere in the State of Washington where all but my cousin and I and our families now live (in the state of Washington). I had met her when I was about 6 years or 8 years old and I think she was 6 or 8 years older than I then. However, I don't think she kept up with the whole smartphone or computer faze because she is older and in a different generation than I am in some ways. 

So, she gives me her cell phone number and I start texting her and after about a week or so of this she starts freaking out and I cannot figure out why. Then a friend said, "You know those old flip phones like she has you cannot safely text on unless your answer is "Yes" or "No" because each letter or number you have might have four positions which bring up a letter of the alphabet. so, you really cannot successfully text on those things like people do today without going kind of crazy."

So, then I realized why my elderly mid 80s cousin was freaking out and telling me it was freaking her dog out whenever I sent a text. It's because you really cannot successfully text on those old flip phones like we do today. She probably doesn't even know what Facebook or what Siri is either. Now both of those I don't use because of security reasons. But, that's another story.

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