Sunday, June 30, 2024

Poll: Global Tides are turning against Autocracy!

I saw this on Fareed Zacharias CNN Show Sunday June 30th 2024. 

Here is the question of the poll asked of people in 31 countries on earth:

Do Countries use their influence for Good of Bad?

Russia: 48% of people on earth believe Russia uses it's influence for bad which is a rise in 22% in one year in using their influence for BAD!

China: 30% of people on earth now believe China is using it's influence for bad which is an increase of 10% over the past year.

Iran: 37% of people believe Iran is using it's influence for Bad which is up 5% in the last year.

9% of people on earth believe that Russia is using their influence mostly for good

13% of people on earth believe that China is using it's influence for good.

8% of people on earth believe that Iran is using it's influence for good.

But here is the strangest change of all of them which is regarding Israel:

32% of people worldwide think that Israel mostly uses it's influence the the world to do bad things.

Only 12% of people on earth right now think Israel is using it's influence to do good things.

source: Ipsos/KCL

on CNN Sunday with Fareed Zacharias show.

end poll FACTS from CNN

 I never thought I would see the day when Israel would be doing worse than China in regard to the good or bad it was doing in the opinion of the world. 

This is one reason why I don't think Israel will still be there (or more specifically THAT Israelis will be allowed to stay there by their Arab Neighbors much longer. (within 10 years).


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