Sunday, June 30, 2024

I don't believe what the Governor of NOrth Dakota says

 I would say he is capable of serving as Commander in Chief but I think that Biden is not capable of debating Trump which is an entirely different issue.

I think the Governor is full of shit on this.

At the debate there likely was absolutely NOTHING that Trump said was true. Although someone who is a convicted Felon often doesn't say anything true about anything. I used to counsel Juvenile offenders 12 to 17 in San Jose and you couldn't believe anything they said. Which is very sad but also true of people who break the law all the time. The saddest thing is that they lie to themselves too and often don't survive long. Though Trump has survived I think he has always been a criminal which is why his father put him in military school because of this fact. However, I think that just traumatized him more to where he doesn't tell the truth to ANYONE! ESPECIALLY HIMSELF!

And this makes Trump the scariest person on earth even scarier than Putin Or Xi because of this.

Trump is more likely to END life on earth than anyone presently alive on earth.

This fact most people don't seem to understand.

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