Thursday, June 27, 2024

Beautiful Day on the northern California coast

The temperatures also in Mt. Shasta were fairly nice even though I got a chest cold while up there and had to return home to the coast to recuperate. also, all the Coughing created a situation where I couldn't sleep mostly at all up there which wasn't good too. So, finally late Wednesday night about 3 or 4 in the morning I realized my health was in danger trying to recover at 3500 feet at age 76. So, I drove home to the coast starting at 4 AM because I wasn't sleeping because of constant coughing anyway. The sad thing is that we were planning to be in Shasta for the 4th of July too but now my health isn't good enough for that because I likely will needs some time at this age to recover from the coughing and lack of sleep caused by the coughing. When I returned because I couldn't sleep at first I just sat up in a chair after being awake all Wednesday night and just sat in a chair and sort of collapsed so I wouldn't cough in this position. Then I took some furosemide (Lasix) which when it started to work good eliminated much of the problem of water weight so I wouldn't drown in my lungs. So, finally by 6 pm yesterday I finally was able to sleep.

So, either dozing or sleeping (sleep finally started at 6 pm I was dozing or sleeping from 1 pm yesterday until around noon today which is the longest section of time I have slept in years. However, I'm still weak from all this but at least I can think straighter again so I can function better than yesterday after no reall sleep since last Saturday night.

However, it is also true that it's presently 63 degrees instead of 85 to 95 this week in Mt. Shasta so this I have found helpful too along with the sea level altitude here that makes it easier for me to breathe.

So, I guess I survived this week and I went to see my doctor today which was necessary being my present age going through something like this (especially if I want to stay alive any longer).

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