Saturday, June 29, 2024

It sounds like both the U.S.and France are on the edge of Civil War!

I thought that Biden might "Pull it out of the fire" with this debate but I was wrong. If he goes ahead now I don't see a way for him to win after that debacle. Of course I could be wrong and I hope I am.

However, there is one thing that I'm presently sure of: "It doesn't matter who wins in November simply because we likely are going to have a bloody Civil War no matter who wins. 

This is the real problem here for both the U.S. and France this year.

Bloody Civil Wars!

In the U.S. the Civil war could begin in States like Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Florida and North and South Carolina.

In France I don't understand the dynamics of that place because I have never lived there but I think Macron is right about the disaster if the Far Right or Far left win.

Here I think both extremes (here in the U.S.) are equally dangerous for different ways.

The far right is reactionary and more likely to shoot people in paranoia (even if what they believe is basically PSTD induced from being soldiers.

Then we have the far left whose dreams and visions of the future are so unrealistic and impractical that a practical person cannot help but laugh at some of their ideas.

Once again, hopefully the view that will prevail is middle of the road which is a practical well thought out combination of the best of the conservative and more liberal ideas that founded this Country (and France) in the first place.


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