Friday, June 28, 2024

Never had Covid Before? You likely should be wearing a mask these days inside any public places

 I'm also (and my wife) are both people who never got covid. Most of my friends and my children have had Covid once or many times so far. However, my wife in her late 60s and I at 76 would prefer never to have had it.


Because my son got it for the 2nd or 3rd time last summer and it made his health go into decline and now he is struggling to live with the consequences of what the last Bought with Covid did to him. It was a very strange and surrealistic experience also for my wife and I because we had driven up from the SF Bay area to Mt. Shasta and visited friends and then we had driven up to Portland where he and his wife and son live only to find out that all three of them had gotten Covid and we could talk to them through the glass of their closed windows on their phone but this was the closest we could be to them without getting it too.

ON top of this we had brought our dog with us to visit them too so that was sort of sad that they couldn't even be allowed to pet our dog because possibly it could infect us too.

Even myself this week, I likely should have worn a mask in the restaurant I went to with an old friend but I found that I couldn't breathe properly at that altitude while wearing a mask. But, I don't have Covid, instead I have something like a Summer Bronchitis instead which likely will prevent me from returning to Mt. Shasta and the 4th of July celebrations there this year.

So, wearing a mask whether it's to prevent a cold or even bronchitis like I presently am dealing with or whether you don't want to get Covid could help you to enjoy your 4th of July celebrations better.

Also, you still need to protect yourselves at 4th of July celebrations, especially if they are indoors like in a restaurant or other indoor public facility worldwide, simply because if Covid is here this prevalent here in the U.S. you can be sure it is other places as well in the world.

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