Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I think printing AI images before they disappear from articles you publish might be best

(If they eventually allow you to do this that is.

I think the legality of images you create must be pretty vague at present and possibly it is a way for AI makers who invest millions or billions of dollars to protect their investment? 

I don't know for sure because I suppose it could just be hackers hacking my site too. It depends.

But, if your printer will print AI images that you work to create in the first place then maybe that's what to do to not lose images.

So, even if it is hackers who don't like any AI you at least have saved a printed copy that you could at least take a picture of with your Iphone or other smartphone and post it somewhere else.

However, the law seems to be you must not charge for these drawings or you get into legal difficulty (at least here in the U.S.).

Since I have never made a penny from this site and don't want to I thought I was covered in this legally.

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