Sunday, June 30, 2024

Getting Better

I am less congested today than yesterday. The days I was really scared I would have to go to the hospital were Thursday and Friday. However, feeling extremely weak has gone and I could even go outside today at one point and play ball with the dog on our deck. She likes to play Doggy Soccer with Geodesic plastic balls about 8 inches in diameter that she can hold with her teeth. But, I'm not strong enough to walk her on the beach yet. In fact, except to go to my family doctor on Thursday I believe I haven't left the house except to walk out onto our deck in the backyard or just walk down the stairs into our garage. My wife has just got rid of a lot of things we don't use anymore and given it all away. For example, I used to have 4 to 6 pairs of Snow chains for various vehicles have owned over the years since 1999 when we moved into this house. But now, everything I own is either 4 wheel drive or All wheel drive now. So, the need for chains is minimal or non-existent. A friend of mine heard about us giving away all our snow chains and asked for the smallest set to use on his Subaru Outback when he gets 3 feet of snow sometimes during the winters there.

But, all in all I'm feeling like I'm going to survive my life now and I have also resigned myself that I'm going to miss the old 4th of July in Mt. Shasta with the Walk Run and the Old Fashioned parade or the fireworks over Lake Siskiyou. This year after getting bronchitis just from not wearing a mask in a restaurant in Mt. Shasta I'm seeing how dangerous it is in this heavy Covid Season and many people will be sick now and in the next few weeks as the Covid surge and bronchitis Surge hits almost everyone now who goes out for events in around 36 states or more at this point.

So, I'm very grateful not to have to go to the hospital or die because of all that at age 76.

The world is changing in so many ways. 

For example, Hurricane Beryl is 2 to 3 months before normal and is now a hurricane and will be a category 3 soon and usually the category three stuff doesn't even begin until September usually of any year.

So, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico States and the East Coast of the U.S. could get hit really hard this year many many times by bad hurricane given that they are starting with a category 3 here in June!

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