Friday, June 28, 2024

Time Travel has always been here on earth even before Earth had an Atmosphere

The following is true according to my best knowledge and abilities.

This is what I presently think from everything I have experienced and seen and done and discovered this far in my life and I am presently 76 years old.

The moment when I actually saw Time travel likely was the time I was absolutely convinced it was here.

This happened in 1992 in Mt. Shasta when three unmarked (Grey two rotored helicopters) 3 of them came roaring by (the tips of their blades were breaking the sound barrier which was incredibly loud at 3500 feet so they could maintain their altitude another 2 thousand feet likely above 3500 feet in altitude.

Then I noticed a UFO of the same shape I had seen at Bunny Flat in 1974 soon after my son was born where they must have settled into the 10 feet deep snow then in May or June of that year.

However, when the UFO below in formation of Chinook helicopters disappeared soundlessly I knew that time travel existed from then on. And then the unmarked Grey painted Helicopters with no insignias whatsoever headed in the direction of Area 51 then down Highway 89 towards McCloud and points east. 

It is my present belief like I said before that time travel was brought here with whatever groups came here even before there was an atmosphere or life as we know it presently on earth.

However, humans and their governments were not given time travel until they needed it to keep the Earth from Blowing up from nukes.

This is the real secret that is being protected by the U.S. government. The problem is not the Flying saucers or UFOs themselves it is that they are time and space traveling machines.

So, through the use of Time travel in combination with Space travel you could theoretically travel to any distance no matter how far simply by using time travel within the ship so only a moment two had passed even if the ship had traveled years to get to where they wanted it to go.

So, the real information thousands of Americans and others have died because of is the secret of Time travel and how UFOs (Flying Saucers) do this regularly. It is also why a saucer can make a right angle turn at 7000 miles per hour and no one dies inside by the way.

So, time travel was given to Earth through the United nations by the Galactic Governments in order to not blow up earth through nukes by retroactively preventing the nukes after they happened on earth and then killing anyone who cause them or sometimes they would just prevent the birth all together of anyone who built nukes that deployed them to blow up cities or countries or the whole planet itself.

We aren't allowed to blow up our planet again like we did Maldek, the Asteroid belt out past Mars. Our ancestors (some of them) nuked that planet out of existence 65 million years ago and a piece of this planet hit earth in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and eventually killed all the larger dinosaurs who lived back then who couldn't hide in Caves or holes in the ground or in the oceans of the world.

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