Saturday, June 29, 2024

I haven't been as sick as I have been this last week since Covid

Other than spending 3 days in a hospital to try to stay alive within the last 2 years time I have never been as sick as I have been with bronchitis as I have been this last week. One of our housekeepers told us that almost all of her clients either have some kind of chest cold or bronchitis so she won't go inside their houses to do work until they are all better. It's possible some of them have covid too but people don't like to talk about this sort of thing much for a variety of reasons(because of the millions of  people who died worldwide from Covid the last 4 years or so).

So, some of these clients likely have covid and some just have a chest cold or bronchitis.

It's interesting not having had a cold or flu in about 4 to 6 years (partly from wearing masks in all public places during that time) continually since 2020. What I find is I almost forgot how to have a cold or bronchitis and I worried about it more this time because I'm presently 76 and you don't want these kinds of things to evolve into something that could easily kill you when you are over 70 or 80 either.

So, I found myself (once I had gotten up at 3 AM early Wednesday morning and realized I was really in trouble health wise I drove all the way home to the coast and then slept about 20 hours straight. Then I woke up and felt "Stoned" is the best way I can say it from my illness. I didn't care about food, I didn't care about anything other than staying alive through what I was facing. Even at the doctor's the next day I couldn't speak much because I was so sick and my wife had to do most of the talking. Also, I had forgotten my hearing aids so it was more difficult to hear what people were saying unless I cupped my right ear with my right hand or something like that. Also, my nose was draining into my mask so I had a pool of nose fluid in my mask. I told the doctor of this problem and he gave me a box of cleanex to fix the problem which was very kind of him. He put me on Zithromax I think it is called which is an anti-biotic I usually do quite well with that tends to prevent pneumonia in these kinds of situations too which was good.

But, the strangest thing was getting sick like this after so many years of not getting flus or colds or even chest colds or bronchitis. This is what was really strange, having to experience this once again.

When you have little ones under 10 years old the whole family is often getting sick but for most people this happens between about age 20 and age 40. I'm presently 76 so I can if I wish shield myself from illnesses pretty much so I don't die like chest colds and flus and bronchitis or pneumonia. So, as you move through life your problems often become different at each and every phase in life.

I think the single most important thing in life is to be adaptable. Because if you are not often you aren't around very long. I have observed this my whole life here on earth.


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