Sunday, June 30, 2024

Consciousness Creates Reality part 2

The last article got a little dark but I didn't want to leave this thought there (even though I presently believe there will be blood in the streets all over the world in Democratic Countries starting by this fall or earlier. There might be blood in France even sooner from the differences in belief systems there, for example. So, I hope not but we will see what happens in France and it might show us what will happen here too as people face off with different belief systems. Also, in Israel and Palestine you have different belief systems and thousands of people dying too now. In Ukraine you have different belief systems that are twisted like in Putin's world where he is trying to enlarge the Russian Empire by Taking Ukraine back into the fold and the western world will stop him if they can.

But, what I really wanted to talk about is that "Belief Creates Reality" or "Consciousness Creates Reality" or "What you put your attention upon you become" are all the same thing.

So, if what you believe in is "Bullshit" then your life will be "Bullshit" too.

I was lucky enough to have good and sane parents (which was asking a lot of people who survived both the Great Depression AND world War II).

And even my mother's statement tells you a lot which is: "Do what you can and the rest Can".

This is how they survived. People didn't really have THERAPY then much. So, you did what you could and stuffed the rest which shortened a lot of lives from about 1900 to 1950 too and beyond. So, there was a lot of craziness(even more than now) before around 1980 or so. 

Just staying alive at all was a real achievement much more than now. What you thought and felt about it all or even what you thought about what had happened to you and how you had been victimized in various ways was always then much less important than just surviving somehow whatever you were going through.

For me, as I look at all this it brings me back to how people in my childhood religion tried to discourage me from going to college because they didn't want me to become a "Pinko".

This word was used a lot in the 1950s through 1970s to denote (mostly by religious people) that these people had been changed somehow by going to college.

From my present point of view being a pinko might mean (you don't live in a box created by your parents where you live and die their without an original thought of your own ever).

Since I value being a Free Thinker (to value my own experiences and ideas above idiots who should never be listened to in the first place I don't think I really belong in any category I can think of except maybe 

"A Free Thinker who believes in God because without God I would be dead now."

Periodically (especially here in California) I often meet people who think believing in God is Crazy and they see all people who believe in God as Crazy.

I could never get to this place because God Came into my life and Saved my life from an early death.

However, I did give up Creationism as well as Darwinism by age 21 because both are theories and not Laws.

If you try to make Creationism a Law in your life then you are really going to have problems with reality on many fronts.

For example, Where did the dinosaur Bones come from? What are they? How long have they been here?

If you can deny things like this as being real then how out of touch with basic reality of living here on earth are you? If you tell me that God created the earth 4000 to 6000 years ago I realize that you might have no capacity for logical or rational thought and people like this are a little scary and often have serious PTSD from being soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan and might kill you or themselves in any moment.

This is very real for me. So, what I have experienced and what I believe are important to me just like what you believe is important to you.

My personal experience with God is ultimately important and kindness, Compassion, Logic and Reason and family are what are important to me in life ultimately and basically too.

I personally have found that kindness and compassion are the most powerful spiritual things in the universe. Without them, why be alive?

There is no point to being alive if you are not kind and compassionate to yourself and others.

This is the part of Consciousness Creates reality that I most want to share with people all over the world.

By God's Grace


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