Saturday, June 29, 2024

I just realized that though all my AI images are gone that my son's AI images remain at my blog site

I'm not entirely sure what this means other than likely my son was logged in whereas I wasn't when I created these images by describing what I wanted to see to So, the problem likely then is that I didn't try to log in (also I hadn't created an account because I was just experimenting then what was actually possible to do there).

So, this is beginning to make more sense to me over time now.

So, basically I can probably say this: "If you want to be able to save your AI images be sure to log in at the site (whichever one you use) so you don't eventually lose your images like I did for whatever the reason.

So, I'm still not entirely sure this is all of it but  I definitely can see this is a part of it. So, even now I know that the images I created likely were not lost by but likely are in it's memory somewhere I just don't have access to the location of those memories because I wasn't signed in or logged in and didn't have an account established at that time. However, even then make up a name to use that is not yours to protect yourself from hackers worldwide. He is telling me that there are a lot of AI hackers now. They exist for whatever their reasons are. So, it's difficult to fathom completely what those reasons might be. IN the future we likely will know more after the biggest companies like Google and Facebook and Microsoft  deal with all this in their own ways worldwide.



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